Submitted by the Alzheimer’s Association, Massachusetts/New Hampshire Chapter

June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month and the Alzheimer’s Association® needs you to help raise awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Everyone who has a brain is at risk to develop Alzheimer’s, a disease that is often misunderstood.
Did you know:
- More than 130,000 people are living with Alzheimer’s in Massachusetts and 340,000 family and friends are providing their care.
- Alzheimer’s is fatal. It kills more than breast and prostate cancers combined.
- Alzheimer’s is not normal aging. It is a progressive brain disease without any cure.
- Alzheimer’s is more than memory loss. It appears through a variety of signs and symptoms.
The Alzheimer’s Association provides care and support to all those facing Alzheimer’s disease and their families. Our 24/7 Helpline provides free support and guidance to individuals and families affected by Alzheimer’s and other dementias. For information, resources and support, call our toll-free 24/7 Helpline at 1-800-272-3900, anytime, day or night.
During the month of June, the Alzheimer’s Association asks you to learn more about Alzheimer’s, share your story and take action. Looking for a way to get involved this June? Here are some great opportunities:
- Take action on June 18 at the Massachusetts State House for Alzheimer’s Advocacy Day. Enjoy breakfast, hear a legislative briefing and share your story with state legislators at the largest mobilization of Alzheimer’s and dementia advocates in the commonwealth. For details visit
- Join thousands of participants from across the world and honor those facing the disease by participating in The Longest Day on June 21. June 21is the summer solstice, a perfect day to come together to fight the darkness of Alzheimer’s through an activity of your choice. Find out more at
- Volunteer or hit the road on a course of your choice from 2-miles to 100-miles at the Alzheimer’s Association’s Ride to End Alzheimer’s. The event is one of the few cycling events in the country dedicated to directly impact the pace and momentum behind our fight to end Alzheimer’s. Participants in the Ride to End Alzheimer’s and raise funds and awareness to advance critical research to bring us one step closer to a cure. Visit to find out more.
Help the Alzheimer’s Association #ENDALZ this June! Visit to find more opportunities to get involved.