National Alzheimer’s push puts disease on the map

It was Christmas, more than 20 years ago, and my husband and I volunteered at a local nursing home to allow workers time off to be home for the holiday.

Caregiving stint reveals disturbing dark side

I always considered myself a nurturing person. Though I don’t have children, I am a classic hoverer and worrier — a regular Johnny-on-the-spot whenever friends or family require emotional or medical support.

Aging isn’t about the number

Since perception is the greater part of reality, what this 61-year-old sees when she takes a peek depends on the day.

A moment of perfect harmony

I remember one moment when the world, at least my little world, rested in perfect harmony. This wasn’t my only such moment, but the...
Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

My new hat

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Our letter carrier rang the doorbell. Would I sign for a package from Poland? I didn’t know whether I would or...
Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

How to guest a dinner party

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer The winter holidays barrel toward us. If we’re lucky, COVID might slink into the background. Sooner or later, a friend...
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

It’s about time

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer I suppose that most of us were happy to see the end of 2021 and hope that 2022 will be...

Condition of nation’s healthcare is making her sick

But when it comes to making me feel the harsh reality of advancing age, nothing compares with those yearly increases in my health insurance premiums.

Washington lawmakers waste time and energy instead of working for me

To quote American Humorist Will Rogers, “This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.”

Beloved actor helps put a face on nation’s elder abuse ‘pandemic’

Tears with my morning coffee. That’s not the best way to start the day. Yet, that’s how it began when I turned on the news and saw one of the nation’s most beloved actors, Mickey Rooney, 91, pouring out his heart to lawmakers about the abuse that made him feel powerless against supposed loved ones.