Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

My new hat

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Our letter carrier rang the doorbell. Would I sign for a package from Poland? I didn’t know whether I would or...
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

The Grammy and Granddaughter Book Club

By Janice Lindsay Was it legal for a grown-up to have this much fun in a bookstore? To smile and even chuckle as she turned...
Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

Always one more (weird) thing

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Is something awry in the atmosphere? Or is it me? First, the track pad on my new laptop quit.  I also use...
Janice Lindsay reflects on the belief or disbelief in luck.

Cold weather inspires invention

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Earmuffs. This month formally marks 145 years since the earmuff as we know it was invented. The story goes that 15-year-old...
Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

When a relative turns 100

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer You don’t often have a chance to wish a family member a happy 100th birthday. The occasion is cause for...
Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

I become invisible

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer I attend the closing on the sale of my mother’s house as executor of her estate. I sit on one...
Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

Peace. Love. Ukulele.

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer If more people played the ukulele, this old world might be a more peaceful place. When I decided to learn the...
Janice Lindsay

When walls talk

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer I once had occasion to visit a doctor who was new to me and whose office I will never forget.  Doctor-visiting...
Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

Pen a complaint. It works.

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer A colorful Work of Art sat on my desk, a piece I created myself, that turned out to be quite...
Janice Lindsay

Weed Removal Therapy

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer The far end of our back yard is a bog. The house sits on a slight rise. Behind it, maybe...