Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

Love of the news-on-paper

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer This month marks thirty years since I began writing a freelance column for a local weekly newspaper from my home...
Janice Lindsay

We did it for Grandma

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer The recipe for this meal begins “Dig a hole.”  Following a family tradition that began decades before I was born and...
Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

Watching monarchs

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Maybe it’s true, as Alfred Lord Tennyson wrote, that “in spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of...

Just a little scared

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer When my granddaughter was four, she attended a friend’s birthday party at an outdoor amusement park. Its central feature was a...
Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

In search of a piece of toast

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Hopeful Consumer Lady needed a new toaster. She thought this would be easy. She splurged for a nifty-sounding high-tech model from...
Janice Lindsay

Crows know

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer I didn’t mind finding a hamburger roll in my white bird bath, or a banana slice, raisin bread, or chokecherry...
Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

Perk up, Little Sister

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Little Sister was a perennial pink geranium, alone in the corner of a small garden. She was tiny and thin,...
Janice Lindsay

Coincidence? Or not?

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer I haven’t studied the saints and I don’t spend much time thinking about them. But I know that October 4...
Janice Lindsay

As luck would have it. Or not.

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer When my husband was a child, his mother told him that it was bad luck to put shoes on the...
Janice Lindsay writes about her toaster's inability to make toast.

Keep your eye on the hole, not just the doughnut

By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer Physically, I was driving in the sunshine to New Hampshire, looking forward to a pleasant visit with my brother and...