While I bonds are not a total answer to inflation, they can play a role in at least reducing it or helping to solve it.

I bonds are an investment that benefits from inflation

By David Wilkening, Contributing Writer REGION - Inflation news is almost always grim. But I bonds, a low-risk investment that flies under the radar for...

Learn from Groundhog Day: Stop making these 5 money mistakes

Many of us are like Bill Murray’s weatherman in the movie Groundhog Day, when it comes to managing our own money. We’re searching for a way to break through repeating the same financial mistakes and reckless habits.

Taxes: Claim your elderly parents as dependents

The bottom line is, who’s a dependent? Your kindergarten-age son, your adult daughter, her grandparents, or maybe an elderly uncle or aunt?
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

A new local resource for senior homeowners

By Alain Valles, CRMP, MBA, CSA, Managing Director, Helping Hands Community Partners, Inc. “If you give it out in slices it comes back in loaves.” As...
Marlborough Police Chief David Giorgi explains how Internet fraud targets older adults. Photo/Vicki Greene

Don’t become a victim of Internet fraud

By Brett Peruzzi, Associate Editor The con artists of times past haven’t gone away; they’ve just gone online. And older adults are increasingly becoming victims...
Alain Valles is an expert on reverse mortgages.

Reverse mortgages and the new administration

By Alain Valles, CSA, MS, MBA, Managing Director, Helping Hands Community Partners Change is always the constant Over the past 30 years hundreds of thousands of...

Reverse mortgages and retirement risks

If you’re approaching retirement or hopefully enjoying retirement, there may be a nagging concern of have you done everything possible to minimize your financial risks?  Whether you have professional advisors, do your own planning - or perhaps worse, ignore the entire topic - below are economic areas that can affect your quality of life once you stop working:

6 tips on managing your 401(k)

Even if you’re a set-it-and-forget-it investor, unless you’ve pulled out of stocks altogether it’s likely the stock portion of your 401(k) account has grown significantly in the last few years.

5 signs U.S. job market finally accelerating

More workers in the prime 25- to 54-year-old age group are finding jobs. The winter freeze was less destructive to hiring than had been assumed. Layoffs have declined since February. And an increase in hours worked suggest that incomes will rise.

Reverse Mortgages – Good or Bad?

Reverse mortgages have been around since 1987 and have helped hundreds of thousands of older homeowners to live in their homes and have access to cash. Reverse mortgages are the most heavily regulated loan program in the country with periodic government changes to continue to strengthen the program.