Transferring property to the kids could backfire

Clients frequently ask, “Why can’t I just put my house in my children’s names?” It seems simple — and cheap — enough: protect assets, avoid probate, all just for the price of a deed and a recording fee. But as the old saying goes, “If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.”

Estate planning: Waiting can be costly to your family

By Cathleen Summers Do you know what happens if you die without a will? The courts will decide who will raise your children, manage your...

Demystifying probate when it comes to estates, trusts

We hear a lot these days about probate, usually in the context of avoiding it. New clients working with an estate planning attorney usually start the conversation by saying, “No matter what it takes, I want to stay away from probate.” Probate avoidance is a common and appropriate goal in the estate planning process.

Another important chapter in state’s probate code

By Linda T. Cammuso The new Massachusetts Uniform Probate Code (MUPC) was signed into law several years ago and several important and significant changes took...

New LTC Insurance law protects consumers

By Linda T. Cammuso For seniors who own or are considering long-term care insurance, the recent signing of Massachusetts Senate Bill 2359, “An Act Establishing...

Long-term care or nursing home?

By Linda T. Cammuso People generally recognize the importance of long-term care and nursing home planning — just not always when it comes to themselves...

Demystifying probate part II: avoiding court

By Linda T. Cammuso Last month, I discussed the probate process and people’s efforts to avoid probate, which often results in needless exposure of their...

What is elder law and how does it apply to families?

The National Elder Law Foundation defines elder law as “the legal practice of counseling and representing older persons or their representatives.” On its face the definition appears to be both simple and clear.

Who will make health care decisions when I can’t?

Choosing someone to act as the agent for your health care proxy is one of the most personal and important decisions in the estate planning process.

Understanding the five year Medicaid look back

By Cathleen Summers After acquiring a lifetime of assets, many seniors wish to transfer these assets to loved ones. Before doing so, it is well...