Does my loved one have dementia, or not?

Dementia is the progressive deterioration in cognitive function — the ability to process thought (intelligence).

How to treat Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal affective disorder, also known as SAD, is a winter depression that occurs approximately the same time every year.

How to choose adult day care for loved one

By Micha Shalev No matter how efficiently and effortlessly you have adapted your life to the role of caregiver, eventually you are going to need...

Skin cancer primer: Testing and lifestyle key to success

By Judith  Melanoma. Basal, Squamous and Merkel cell. Lymphoma. Kaposi Sarcoma. There’s an alphabet soup of skin cancers, but what are they? According to the Mayo...

Not always easy enforcing rules in housing community

By Marianne Delorey© I’ve been in property management for most of my adult life. It is a great job and one that has provided me...

When it comes to parent, child relationship everything old is new

By Marianne Delorey As a child, my parents always came to my aid when I was confronted with belittling educators. That support mattered the most...

Difficult choices can lead to the best care

By Brenda Diaz Making the decision to place a loved one in a community may be one of the hardest choices to face. However, it...

Stay alert and be cautious to avoid scammers

By Brenda Diaz Gladys received a telephone call from a telephone number she did not recognize. When she answered, she was asked if she was...

Sundowning and troubling behavior in people with dementia

By Micha Shalev Some people with Alzheimer’s disease experience confusion and agitation that escalate in the late afternoon or evening. They have trouble going to...

Ten common mistakes people make when selecting a long term care facility for a...

By Micha Shalev, MHA CDP CDCM Part one of two. Part two will be in the November issue of the Fifty Plus Advocate. When families and...