How to prevent falls in the elderly during winter months

By Michael Miskis It’s important to think about safety and fall prevention before the snow falls and icy conditions form around your home. As one...

Preserving dignity and quality of life for the Alzheimer’s sufferer

By Micha Shalev The concept of dignity is subjective and may have different meanings for each person. It is beneficial to have an understanding of...
68% of family caregivers provide financial support to a loved one.

10 important financial tips for caregivers

By R. R. Fletcher, Contributing Writer REGION - Americans spend roughly $190 billion per year on their care recipients for out-of-pocket expenses. Closer to home, according to AARP, over...

School and learning isn’t just for kids

By Brenda Diaz The warm days of summer and spending time outdoors are quickly coming to an end. What will occupy your time in during the...

Dementia and paradoxical behaviors

By Micha Shalev More than 50 percent of people with dementia experience behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). BPSD are distressing for individuals and...

Defining and understanding culture change

By Micha Shalev Many senior living organizations are working to transform their institutional character into a home and community-like environment. This undertaking amounts to a...

What is the treatment for Alzheimer’s disease?

By Micha Shalev, MHA CDP CDCM Alzheimer's is a terminal disease. This means it has no cure and will end in death. However, there are...

Buying tips for walk-in tubs

By Dan Martin Most people have never seen, let alone experienced, a walk-in tub. To make an informed buying decision, there are things to consider. First, what...

Common types of dementia and their unique characteristics

By Micha Shalev Dementia is caused by various diseases and conditions that result in damaged brain cells or connections between brain cells. When making a...

Delusional, paranoid and hallucinatory behavior in Alzheimer’s disease patients

By Micha Shalev   Delusional, paranoid and hallucinatory behaviors may be a response to internal or external factors. They most often occur as a result of...