Meaningful, quality visits with dementia sufferers

By Micha Shalev If you’re headed out to care for or spend some time with a friend or family member who’s is the middle stages...

Preserving dignity and quality of life for the Alzheimer’s sufferer

By Micha Shalev The concept of dignity is subjective and may have different meanings for each person. It is beneficial to have an understanding of...

Key assumptions in caring for the Alzheimer’s patient

Dementia is a difficult diagnosis. The progressive decline of brain function and memory retention are frustrating and challenging experiences for the senior afflicted, as well as for their loved ones.

Common types of dementia and their unique characteristics

By Micha Shalev Dementia is caused by various diseases and conditions that result in damaged brain cells or connections between brain cells. When making a...

Taking care of yourself critical for caregiver

Caregiving is such a small and innocent word for such a large and often stressful job.

Sleep problems in individuals diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease

By Micha Shalev Persons with Alzheimer's disease often appear to sleep less or sometimes, more. Sleep problems may be caused by pain, medication, lack of...

‘Rementia’ versus ‘Dementia’

By Micha Shalev Dementia is conventionally defined in terms of neurological changes in the brain and an inevitable and progressive decline in the individual's cognitive...

Dementia complications

By Micha Shalev Why do people who have dementia become agitated? Agitation can be caused by many factors. A sudden change in surroundings or frustrating situations...

How to deal with bullies in senior housing

By Marianne Delorey© Although we usually think of school-aged kids when we think of bullies and the bullied, there is a fair amount of bullying...

What is the treatment for Alzheimer’s disease?

By Micha Shalev, MHA CDP CDCM Alzheimer's is a terminal disease. This means it has no cure and will end in death. However, there are...