Old woman sues children for care
The drama that is playing out inside this ramshackle house reflects a wider and increasingly urgent dilemma. The world’s population is aging fast.
Abuse and neglect of the Alzheimer’s patient – red flags
By Micha Shalev
This is part two of a two-part series. Part one was in the September issue of the Fifty Plus Advocate and can...
Alzheimer’s creates strain on caregivers
David Hilfiker knows what’s coming. He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s so early that he’s had time to tell his family what he wants to happen once forgetfulness turns incapacitating.
The journey to…and back…from grief
By Marianne Delorey
“I sat with my anger long enough until she told me her real name was grief.” – Author unknown.
My mother went to...
A different kind of ‘Make a Wish’
While the organizers are careful not to call them “last” wishes, they’re often the kind of activities the seniors can’t arrange themselves or a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, like meeting a favorite celebrity or touring their childhood home.
Oasis for Alzheimer’s sufferers to be built
The owners wanted a facility that would have the feel of luxurious hotel-style living, but with a home-like feel.
The safety of the person with Alzheimer’s disease
Caring for a loved one who has Alzheimer's can be rewarding - and stressful. Home safety is important for everyone - but it carries added significance for caregivers. This is especially true if you're caring for a loved one who has Alzheimer's disease in your home. A throw rug or a stray toy on the steps could easily put your loved one at risk of a fall or injury.
Social activities key to physical wellness among older adults
Loss of muscle strength, speed and dexterity is a common consequence of aging and a well-established risk factor for death, disability and dementia. Yet, little is known about how and why motor decline occurs when it is not a symptom of disease.
Caregivers deserve some time off
By Angela Rocheleau
March brings the promise of the spring season, but, for some families dealing with elderly or frail loved ones it also raises...
Baypath offers support, services for the elder community
Region – One of the most daunting events that can rock a family is when it is apparent that a beloved elder is in need of help due to a medical, physical or emotional change. Compounding this problem is that one often does not know where to look for support, especially if the elder lives alone or far from family.