Avoiding the painkiller-overuse rut in migraines

Those pain pills you think help your migraines? Take too many and you could make them worse.

Sometimes you get sunflowers

One raw, late-winter day many years ago, arborists took down a grand, ancient pine in our yard. I don’t remember all of our reasons for this but, once it was cut, signs of internal rot made it clear that the tree would have come down anyway, probably tumbling huge limbs onto somebody’s house. The decision to cut it down had been a good one.

Half a century of help with Medicare

On July 30, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed Medicare into law with these words: “No longer will older Americans be denied the healing miracle of modern medicine. No longer will illness crush and destroy the savings that they have so carefully put away over a lifetime.”

Senior Athletes: Advocates for wellness

By G, Gregory Tooker, CPCU The debate about national health care rolls on and on. The fact remains, however, that nearly every first world nation on the face of the planet considers access to affordable health care a basic right. The United States has been wrestling with this enormous challenge for years. Unfortunately, we are home to some of the most unfit people on earth. Poor diet and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle are mostly to blame. Nearly one person in 10 suffers from some form of diabetes. Many cases are of the type two variety, potentially reversible through improved diet and moderate exercise, but often patients opt for the easier but far more expensive pharmaceutical approach.

The dental care gap

By Al Norman A new policy brief released in mid-August by the state’s Health Policy Commission (HPC) underscores the importance of dental health—one of the...

AARP’s 2017 legislative priorities

By Mike Festa, State Director, AARP Massachusetts AARP is hard at work fighting for the interests of older adults across the country, including our renewed...

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy, Part 2

By Robert Mario There is no cure for tinnitus, but for many sufferers there is a treatment approach. The work of Dr. Jastreboff, of Emory University,...

How VA Aid and Attendance helps veterans’ surviving spouses

The VA Aid and Attendance benefit enabled John to attend a day care program several days a week to give Martha a break and time for errands.

AARP fighting for long-term care solutions

Massachusetts ranks 11th in the nation when it comes to meeting the long-term care needs of older residents and people with disabilities, and even more must be done, at an accelerated pace, to meet changing demographic demands. Specific areas of concern in Massachusetts include affordability, the quality of life and quality of care, and effective transition dimensions.

Machines say, ‘Make my day.’

Mechanical objects aren’t necessarily terrifying; it’s just that some of us might have been more comfortable in a slightly less technological century. For me, the...