How to care for an older adult during the summer months

Summer is a special time for caution if you or someone in your family is an older adult. I

How do you take care of the caregiver?

Did you know that couples over age 65 are connected in such a way that the health of one person is related to the health of the other?

Hiring caregivers: An agency versus an independent

By Doug Peck Taking care of an elderly parent or relative is never an easy task. There is an endless of number of critical decisions...

Enhance communications skills with a frail family member

By Angela Rocheleau There are many key factors that will help caregivers be successful as they care for aging family members, perhaps none more important...

Tips to consider when looking for a home care agency

Working in the home care industry, I have noticed that many families have a lot of difficulty finding the right home care agency for their loved ones.

Plant the seeds for making plans this spring

This is the time for planning all those family occasions and vacations. Are your elderly family members involved in that plan? Who will take care of the grandparents?

The benefits of keeping a loved one active

By Brenda Diaz In today’s modern world, being busy is a natural state for most people, but for seniors it can be an integral part...

Holidays present challenges for older loved ones

“Tis the season.” Winter is a special time for caution if you or someone in your family is an older adult. It is the season for the flu, for slips on icy streets, and for other dangers that are particularly great for seniors.

Emergency preparation planning tips

By Kathy Savage Being ready for emergencies requires basic planning and awareness of events that could lead to a loss of electricity, damage to your...

A guide to services designed to assist you at home

By Michael Trigilio Within each of us lies a fundamental desire to live in our own home —  safely and securely —  with as much...