5 ways to plan for your parents’ future

When it comes to buying a new car, many of us spend countless hours combing through magazines and websites that rate the different makes and models.

Enhance communications skills with a frail family member

By Angela Rocheleau There are many key factors that will help caregivers be successful as they care for aging family members, perhaps none more important...

Safety tips to prepare for a senior move in

By Angela Rocheleau Many families are consolidating living spaces this season by moving senior members into their homes. For some families this may be an...

How to prevent a disabling fall

By Jeannette Sheehan Every year one in three individuals over the age of 65 fall. In fact, falls are the leading cause of injury death...

Mother was right: wash your hands before dinner

By Angela Rocheleau No matter how old you are some things never change. When mom said, “You go wash your hands or NO dinner,”...

How to care for an older adult during the summer months

Summer is a special time for caution if you or someone in your family is an older adult. I

Companionship helps older folks stay healthy

By Doug Peck Whether they live with their older children or by themselves, many seniors are alone for much or all of the day. It...

How can families cope with isolated older relatives?

Summer seems to fliy by quickly in New England. Before you know it the cold weather arrives. For seniors, that means more isolation and lack of exercise.

How do you take care of the caregiver?

Did you know that couples over age 65 are connected in such a way that the health of one person is related to the health of the other?

Fighting to come home

Last month I wrote about a 70- year-old friend of mine with diabetes who fought to return home after a hospitalization, instead of going to a rehab. Well, it has happened again. A 61-year-old woman from Charlestown called me last week. Let's call her “Laura.” She is a MassHealth member. She broke her leg, and was sent to a major hospital in Boston. She spent three days in the hospital. At discharge, the staff hospitalist gave Laura a list of three rehabs, and told her to pick one. Laura didn’t know what a rehab would be like, but she picked one facility she had heard of.