Caregivers deserve some time off
By Angela Rocheleau
March brings the promise of the spring season, but, for some families dealing with elderly or frail loved ones it also raises...
Hiring caregivers: An agency versus an independent
By Doug Peck
Taking care of an elderly parent or relative is never an easy task. There is an endless of number of critical decisions...
Speak Bostonian: Advice on how to find suitable housing
By Marianne Delorey ©
Recently, a marketing genius at the Department of Transportation got a simple message across statewide by talking to commuters in the...
Take control of your health and enhance your quality of life
By Mary Demakes
The body becomes more susceptible to disease and cancer as we age. This is a factor we cannot change. However, preventative measures...
Should you buy long-term care insurance?
By David Wilkening
Contributing Writer
REGION - If you want the protection of buying long-term care insurance, it helps if you have a lot of money....
Tips to consider when looking for a home care agency
Working in the home care industry, I have noticed that many families have a lot of difficulty finding the right home care agency for their loved ones.
When a blessing becomes a burden
By Marianne Delorey
My grandmother was a crafter and a collector. She hand-braided rugs, created beautiful decoupage, quilted, and probably had her hand in many,...
Things that go bump in the night
Audry was from the old country. As a kid, whenever she was stressed, she would visit her mother in the kitchen. Her mother would set her up with some spices and with a mortar and pestle, she would bang and grind the spices until she felt better. Now, even in her later years when her anxiety spikes again, she still gets great comfort from the bang and scrape but also from the smells of the spices.
Elder bullying by caregivers comes in many forms
By Doug Peck
One of the hardest things to see is a senior being bullied and yet I see instances of it, to varying degrees,...
The benefits of keeping a loved one active
By Brenda Diaz
In today’s modern world, being busy is a natural state for most people, but for seniors it can be an integral part...