Federal funding boosts new Alzheimer’s research
Researchers will test promising drugs aimed at preventing Alzheimer’s and identify and validate biological targets for novel therapies, with approximately $45 million in new...
Advocates urge Gov. Patrick to spare vulnerable seniors
Six days before Gov. Deval Patrick announced his budget cuts to elder home care services, elder rights groups including Old Colony Elder Services (OCES), the...
Fifty Plus Advocate October 2021
Obama budget ignores Social Security, Medicare fixes
Speaking at a news conference a day after releasing his 2012 budget — a $3.73 trillion spending plan — Obama said the politically explosive changes in those programs cannot be solved through dictates from the White House. The White House budget proposal does not address reforms to the Social Security pension system, Medicare medical insurance for the elderly or the Medicare program for poor people. Social Security and Medicare are the two largest items in the U.S. budget.
State department receives Alzheimer’s training grant
Boston - The Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) recently announced it received a three-year, $600,000 grant for the Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Services Program from the U. S. Administration on Aging (AOA). The grant will enable the agency to create a dementia-capable system of home and community-based services and supports.
Federal funding finally frees up Home Care wait list
The funding released was half of what the home care program lost in the early summer, when the supplemental federal funds were delayed by Republican members in the House of Representatives.
Medicare lawsuits could impact long-term-care delivery
Previously, Medicare would stop paying for a person’s home health care or nursing facility care if the person was considered “stable.” This would force seniors to pay out of their own pocket or stop receiving the care, resulting in the possible deterioration of their health.
Governor Patrick signs health care cost containment bill
By Steve LeBlanc
Gov. Deval Patrick signed into law a bill he said should provide a model for a nation trying to stem the...
Chelmsford prepares for 50th Fourth of July Art Festival
Roberta Witts, president of the Chelmsford Art Society
By Ed Karvoski Jr., Culture Editor
Chelmsford – After the Chelmsford Art Society (CAS) was founded in...
AARP launches Social Security benefits calculator
AARP today announced the launch of its Social Security Benefits Calculator, a unique interactive tool designed to help people make the complex but...