By Alain Valles, MBA, MS

I’ve been helping senior homeowners for over 20 years navigate how to financially age in place. Reverse mortgages are an essential solution to provide access to cash today or when needed for homeowners who are at least 62 years old and own a home with some equity.
So – why am I concerned and why should you be? Senior homeowners are facing the following unprecedented financial as saults to their to keep their homes:
- Highest inflation rate in 40 years – that means your social security will no longer equally cover your housing expenses, medical bills, food costs, let alone gas.
- Higher interest rates – the government continues to raise the rates. You will need more cash to pay credit card balances and home equity lines just to stay even.
- Food and product shortages – when things are scarce and demand high then prices go through the roof. If you’re on a fixed monthly income, then the only options are to cut back or tap into your savings at a faster rate
- Stock market is tanking – if your retirement is based on stocks, you’ll be faced with selling in a down market to make ends meet
- Uncertainty & Anxiety – the above can lead to freezing in place, not knowing what to do, and making a decision through indecision which can lead to regret.
There is hope but you must take the first step! If you need cash today or want to make sure you have access to funds in the future, then please learn how a reverse mortgage works and if it is a good option for you.
A great place to start is get your free “How to Use Your Home to Stay at Home” 36-page book. This is the official reverse mortgage consumer book let approved by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development and published by the National Council on Aging.
To receive your free copy, please call me at (781) 724-6221 or email me at
I am available to evaluate your specific situation, answer your questions, and calculate how much money is available to you.
Alain Valles was the first designated Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional in New England. He obtained a Master of Science from the M.I.T. Center for Real Estate, an MBA from the Wharton School, and graduated summa cum laude from UMass Amherst. He is the senior reverse mortgage loan officer MLO#7946 at Powerhouse Funding Corp. NMLS #1740551. He can arrange but does not make loans. Alain can be reached directly at (781) 724-6221 or by email at