Leading expert says healthful aging depends on current daily habits


When it comes to healthful aging, a preventive approach is the key to success. By implementing some simple healthy habits today, individuals can achieve a healthier future. “Our bodies’ health — particularly as we age — requires that we take precautionary measures to strengthen ourselves,” said Donnica L. Moore, MD, women’s health expert and advocate, and editor in chief of Women’s Health for Life (DK 2009). Consider her tips for healthful aging as part of an improved wellness plan.

Lather Up: Warm weather entices many people outdoors, but sun safety is essential. Aside from same-day dangers, like sunburn and heat exhaustion, overexposure to the sun can cause premature aging and, in some cases, skin cancer. To safely enjoy the outdoors, apply — and reapply — an oil-free, anti-aging sun block every day for skin that is properly moisturized and protected from damaging UVA and UVB rays. Also, remember to wear a hat and sunglasses to help protect the scalp and eyes.

Shield Your Smile: The health of your smile is influenced by daily dental health routines, as well as dietary factors. Enamel loss can occur when acids from everyday food and beverages, such as fruit, yogurt, salsa, orange juice and sports drinks, attack the tooth surface. If left untreated, the result can be irreversible enamel loss, which can lead to larger issues such as cavities, sensitivity, veneers, dentures and even oral surgery.

Exercise and Energize: People who exercise frequently not only look better, but they feel better too. The short-term effects of exercise include better stress management and increased energy. Long-term benefits include easier weight control, stronger bones and muscles and a decreased risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. Consider tennis, golf, yoga and walking as these activities can be catered to any fitness level and age. — ARA