Preparing for the loss of a dementia sufferer

By Micha Shalev From many years in this business I found out way too often that adult children caring for a parent diagnosed with dementia...

‘Rementia’ versus ‘Dementia’

By Micha Shalev Dementia is conventionally defined in terms of neurological changes in the brain and an inevitable and progressive decline in the individual's cognitive...

Tips for effective communication with memory impaired loved ones

Both family and paid caregivers may overlook various barriers to effective communication with impaired older adults and consequently misinterpret verbal and behavioral messages.

Building the self-esteem of an Alzheimer’s sufferer

By Micha Shalev Alzheimer’s sufferers were once vital men and women, leading active, interesting lives. Left in the wake of a disease, which robs them...

Is discretion truly the better part of valor?

I sat down recently with four card players. It turns out, only one was still driving. There seemed to be a common thread among the others – in all three cases, it seemed like they all had stories where driving had been taken away from them in a seemingly underhanded fashion. One lady recently moved back to Massachusetts from Florida. Her son told her to sell her car and they’d find her one up here. Well, conveniently, finding a new car has not become a priority.

Buying tips for walk-in tubs

By Dan Martin Most people have never seen, let alone experienced, a walk-in tub. To make an informed buying decision, there are things to consider. First, what...

Dementia and Alzheimer’s care through an Individualized approach

We begin to develop individual patterns of behavior at birth we know what others mean by listening to what they say and watching what...

A rarely suspected cause for memory impairment

By Micha Shalev It’s long been known that sleep plays a strong role in memory consolidation, but now, research is showing that age-related changes to...

Caregivers should get the support they need

By Melissa Weidman According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, more than 65 million people, 29 percent of the U.S. population, provide care for a...

The relationship between dietary patterns and age-related cognitive impairment

By Micha Shalev An estimated 5.3 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common type of dementia. Due to the increasing...