3 common money missteps grandparents make

It’s so tempting to want to give the grandchildren everything and put their wants and needs first. However, one of the common money mistakes grandparents make is to put spending on grandkids ahead of their own retirement security.

Estate planning: you can’t afford to wait

f you’re like most people, you probably have a list of reasons why you haven’t established your estate plan.

Reverse mortgage rules have changed

By Alain Valles The rules covering reverse mortgages changed Nov. 10, 2014. But there is still time to be grandfathered and get a reverse mortgage...

Know the true cost when making a decision

By Alain Valles With recent improvements made by the federal government to the reverse mortgage program, the cost of most reverse mortgages have dropped by...

More Roth IRA conversions allowed

In retirement, your paycheck might go away, but taxes won’t. Still your tax bill can be hard to predict. To have some control over how much you pay the government each year, you should have both taxable and non-taxable accounts from which to draw your retirement income.

Reverse mortgages: Where to start?

By Alain Valles, CRMP, MBA, CSA Almost a million people have obtained a reverse mortgage to help achieve their personal and financial goals, and an...

High fees eroding many 401(k) retirement accounts

Adding up to a modest-sounding 1 percent a year — would erase $70,000 from an average worker’s account over a four-decade career compared with lower-cost options.

How to talk to your parents about long-term care planning

While more people do estate planning earlier in their lifetimes today, there are many who have yet to take that important step.

Not so golden years, money gap remains

William Kistler views retirement like someone tied to the tracks and watching a train coming. It’s looming and threatening, but there’s little he can do.

Tips to avoid financial strain with aging parents

Staying on track to a comfortable retirement isn’t only about taking care of your finances and your health. It might involve taking care of your parents, too.