Now available: Free help with your taxes
By Mike Festa
It’s that time of year again. Yes, it’s tax time. More than 600 volunteers are ready and waiting to help older Massachusetts...
No one fix to slow hospital readmission epidemic
More than 1 million Americans wind up back in the hospital only weeks after they left for reasons that could have been prevented — a revolving door that for years has seemed impossible to slow.
Are you in? Join the fight to protect Medicare and Social Security
By Deborah E. Banda
As the temperature heats up this summer, so does the fight to protect Medicare and Social Security. By the beginning of...
Congressional two-step: Cut taxes, then entitlements
Elder rights groups are warning that the federal Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (HR 1) will be financed by gutting entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare.
Hearing aid tax credit before legislators
By Dr. Robert Mario
Rep. Pete Olson (R-Texas) urged a gathering of 120 supporters of the Hearing Aid Tax Credit to help him work for...
Senior Athletes: Advocates for wellness
By G, Gregory Tooker, CPCU
The debate about national health care rolls on and on. The fact remains, however, that nearly every first world nation on the face of the planet considers access to affordable health care a basic right. The United States has been wrestling with this enormous challenge for years.
Unfortunately, we are home to some of the most unfit people on earth. Poor diet and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle are mostly to blame. Nearly one person in 10 suffers from some form of diabetes. Many cases are of the type two variety, potentially reversible through improved diet and moderate exercise, but often patients opt for the easier but far more expensive pharmaceutical approach.
Helping deaf people to enjoy music again
Researchers from the University of Southampton are investigating how to help deaf people, who have received a cochlear implant, to get more enjoyment from...
Every patient has questions about hearing aids, Part 1
By Dr. Robert Mario
Which hearing aid will work best for me?
A hearing aid should be selected that best suits your needs and lifestyle. It...
Treating poor people as “passive” health care consumers
By Al Norman
In 2009, a state legislator who chaired the House Financial Services Committee on Beacon Hill introduced a bill that would "automatically enroll...
Summertime eye health care is an ounce of prevention
By Dr. Steven A. Nielsen
Summer is here with its sights, sounds and smells that make it the season of leisure, vacation and relaxation.
But with...