WISE members Photo/submitted by Monica Gow

It’s good to be WISE

Assumption University WISE program engages lifelong learners during pandemic and beyond   By Jane Keller Gordon Worcester - Art history, bird watching, and immunology are three of...

FPA October 2022

Dan Milton displays his World Marathon Majors medal.

Hudson’s Dan Milton prepares to run his 25th Boston Marathon

By Ed Karvoski Jr., Culture Editor HUDSON – Dan Milton of Hudson has already achieved one of his goals. He ran all six of the...
Westborough resident Wendi Comey celebrates her 68th birthday by completing her goal of walking 1500 miles in 2023. Photo/Submitted

The Walking Woman of Westborough walks on

By Wendi Comey, Contributing Writer  WESTBOROUGH – Traveling in one direction, it’s about 1,500 miles from Westborough to Key Largo, and if I walked in...

FPA September 2022
