Fifty Plus Advocate December 2022
Dan Milton displays his World Marathon Majors medal.

Hudson’s Dan Milton prepares to run his 25th Boston Marathon

By Ed Karvoski Jr., Culture Editor HUDSON – Dan Milton of Hudson has already achieved one of his goals. He ran all six of the...

Newton at Home is building a community within a community

By Jane Keller Gordon, Assistant Editor Newton - Five years ago, Nick Kaufman’s life changed in a moment, when he suffered a significant stroke.  Afterwards,...
Staples, the largest office supply company in the world, was founded in Boston in 1986.

Founded in Boston, Staples ushered in era of office supply superstores

By Sharon Oliver Contributing Writer BOSTON - Staples sparked the office supply revolution, fittingly, because of Independence Day. One of its founders, Thomas G. Stemberg was...

Susie Rheault

Helping with tools to empower children and women in Africa  By Lauren Schiffman, Contributing Writer   In 2007, when she was working for the Clinton Foundation on...

FPA September 2022