With a bit of planning, most older individuals can remain active and safe in their RV Photo by Shutterstock

Three simple changes to your RV to help keep you safe on the road

By R. R. Fletcher, Contributing Writer In Massachusetts, RV sales topped $69.8 million in 2020, according to the RV Industry Association (RVIA), and the average age...

Miami’s colorful neighborhoods beckon

A rooster strolls by colorful storefronts where vendors hack pieces of sugar cane, which passers-by purchase and chew to extract the sweet juice.
Red Sox great David ‘Big Papi’ Ortiz was inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in July. Photo/Milo Stewart/National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

Cooperstown beckons with the National Baseball Hall of Fame

By Sandi Barrett, Contributing Writer REGION - Baseball, our beloved national pastime, springs to life just a few hours’ drive from Central Massachusetts. Cooperstown is...

Sicily- a place of great beauty, history, food and wine

“You can steal my money but not my food.”  “If you want things to go exactly as planned, don’t come here.” Those words spoken by my Overseas Adventure Travel tour guide in Sicily, who actually loves his homeland, tell a lot about it.

Martha’s Vineyard: A Way of Life

It took scant minutes after arriving on Martha’s Vineyard to get a fix on what the island is all about.

Exploring the island of Cozumel

A Mayan ruin   By Victor Block Much about the island says Mexico. Archeological sites hint of the rich Mayan civilization that once flourished there. Parts of...
Participation from two- to three-month-old baby goats add a fun dimension to yoga classes. Photo/Sandi Barrett

Goat yoga on a farm makes for an adventurous getaway

By Sandi Barrett, Contributing Writer SOUTH NEW BERLIN, NEW YORK - The stillness of morning and a lulling background of cheerful chirping is disturbed by...

Mayan culture meets resort Mecca

The legacy left by the Mayans included written language, magnificent architectural treasures, and sophisticated systems of astronomy and mathematics.

Genealogy tourism is a fast-growing trend

Planning a visit to Poland, where his ancestors had lived, Bernard Janicki went online and tracked down the parish priest in the village where his mother had been born. When he arrived in that small town, the pastor helped him examine church records dating back to the early 20th century.
The number of older single travelers is on a steady growth curve.

Follow these tips for successful solo travel

By David Wilkening, Contributing Writer REGION - Don’t mistake older travelers as always similar to the average tourist. Solo senior travelers also have different requirements...