Time for a spot of tea
By Janice Lindsay, Contributing Writer
One cold dark morning, in spite of everything, I woke up.
The news of the world was disturbing. Wars and suffering....
Are Reverse Mortgages good or bad?
Learn From A Local Expert
By Alain Valles, MBA, MS
A reverse mortgage gives qualified borrowers, 62 years old or older, the option to receive cash...
Art for Art’s Sake
By Marianne Delorey, Ph.D.
“Earth, without Art is just ‘Eh’” -- Demetri Martin
A few years ago, some of our elderly residents started coloring. It was...
AARP Massachusetts presents webinar series on brain health
Despite common misconceptions, a weakening brain is not an inevitable part of aging. It’s true that the brain...
AARP Massachusetts is looking to honor the state’s top volunteer
By Mike Festa, AARP Massachusetts State Director
There are so many people over 50 volunteering here in the Bay State: lending a hand to neighbor,...
Fighting more fraud than ever before
By Mike Festa, AARP Massachusetts State Director
If it seems fraud doesn’t stop, you’re right. Every day scammers find new and convincing ways to get...
What do you expect?
By Marianne Lyons Delorey, Ph.D.
According to demographers, the American population is older now than it has ever been. The whole of society is adapting...