Bay State retirees suffer under governor’s budget

BOSTON — After analyzing Gov. Deval Patrick’s Fiscal Year 2013 state budget proposal (House 2), released last week, Deborah Banda, state director of AARP Massachusetts...

A fresh focus on Social Security in budget debate

In the midst of the budget crisis, an old debate has broken out with new force: Should Social Security be seen as part of the deficit that Washington needs to rein in? The White House is balking at calls to tackle Social Security’s financial problems now, before baby boomers swamp the system. But the massive retirement program, like the rest of the government, is running a deficit and has become part of the argument on Capitol Hill.

Possible outcomes in pivotal health care law case

By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar and Mark Sherman
 WASHINGTON — Some are already anticipating the Supreme Court’s ruling on President Barack Obama’s health care law as the “decision...

Most would pay more for Romney-type Medicare plan

By Jordan Rau  The type of proposal championed by Republicans to overhaul Medicare by giving beneficiaries a fixed amount of money to purchase insurance could...

Sen. Brown now rejects Medicare overhaul plan

BOSTON — Republican Sen. Scott Brown, reversing a position he took earlier this month, said Monday he will vote against the House Republican budget...

Americans not buying Medicare cuts

They're not buying it. Most Americans say they don't believe Medicare has to be cut to balance the federal budget, and ditto for Social...

Medicare chief seeks better hospital safety

About 1.5 percent of those patients, or 15,000 people a month, suffered a complication that contributed to their death, the inspector general for the Department of Health and Human Services said.

Government hikes Medicare Advantage pay estimate

By Tom Murphy
 The government has raised its payment estimate for Medicare Advantage plans months ahead of a busy election season during which cuts to...

What fiscal cliff means for Massachusetts seniors

BOSTON — With the Dec. 31 deadline to address expiring tax and spending cuts looming, many people across the nation and here in Massachusetts are...

Fewer Medicare Part D enrollees are hitting doughnut hole

Fewer Medicare prescription drug plan enrollees are falling into a coverage gap known as the doughnut hole in which they bear the full cost...